Wausau, Wisconsin Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Wausau, WI for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

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Street starts with:

122 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 308 1,848
1ST ST 338 1,300
2ND AVE 261 1,677
2ND ST 282 1,393
3RD AVE 400 3,194
3RD ST 417 2,831
4TH AVE 307 2,215
4TH ST 302 1,450
5TH AVE 290 1,860
5TH ST 291 1,313
6TH AVE 281 1,603
6TH ST 464 2,643
7TH AVE 234 1,426
7TH ST 276 1,815
8TH AVE 229 1,168
8TH ST 227 846
9TH AVE 243 1,914
9TH ST 236 1,255
10TH AVE 258 1,594
10TH ST 301 1,698
11TH AVE 174 904
11TH ST 200 745
12TH AVE 195 1,008
12TH ST 239 1,104
13TH AVE 76 364
13TH DR 13 42
13TH ST 172 949
14TH AVE 94 411
14TH ST 89 326
15TH AVE 57 198
15TH ST 60 142
16TH AVE 115 728
16TH ST 106 386
17TH AVE 74 354
17TH ST 52 122
18TH AVE 43 179
18TH ST 50 169
19TH AVE 35 154
19TH ST 38 142
20TH AVE 78 362
20TH ST 78 270
21ST AVE 49 214
21ST PL 27 101
21ST ST 67 213
22ND AVE 34 145
22ND PL 40 150
23RD AVE 3 8
24TH AVE 10 112
24TH ST 8 42
25TH ST 50 286
26TH AVE 13 49
26TH ST 14 47
27TH AVE 26 89
28TH AVE 92 443
28TH ST 67 274
29TH AVE 18 95
29TH ST 22 76
30TH AVE 8 40
32ND AVE 54 274
32ND PL 39 125
33RD ST 51 197
34TH AVE 1 3
34TH ST 2 7
35TH AVE 3 6
35TH ST 3 11
36TH AVE 47 239
36TH ST 42 126
38TH AVE 2 9
39TH AVE 36 173
40TH ST 4 21
41ST AVE 6 24
41ST ST 29 109
43RD AVE 6 26
44TH AVE 66 295
44TH ST 55 157
45TH AVE 11 43
48TH AVE 30 484
49TH ST 6 30
50TH AVE 21 360
52ND AVE 39 189
52ND ST 45 150
53RD AVE 4 17
54TH AVE 5 19
55TH AVE 7 35
56TH AVE 47 860
56TH ST 46 442
57TH AVE 7 27
57TH ST 63 222
58TH AVE 7 25
60TH AVE 71 297
62ND AVE 2 5
65TH ST 14 66
66TH AVE 10 28
68TH AVE 18 187
69TH ST 19 82
72ND AVE 30 138
73RD AVE 6 30
73RD ST 36 111
74TH AVE 2 8
75TH AVE 21 116
76TH AVE 29 163
77TH AVE 15 45
80TH AVE 17 56
81ST ST 20 63
84TH AVE 20 62
85TH ST 20 73
86TH AVE 4 7
86TH ST 11 59
88TH AVE 13 55
88TH ST 18 53
89TH ST 13 65
93RD ST 16 76
96TH AVE 22 91
97TH ST 29 110
98TH AVE 5 29
100TH AVE 10 41
102ND ST 7 42
104TH AVE 2 3
108TH AVE 12 51
120TH AVE 20 78
128TH AVE 16 68
Street starts with: