Roanoke, Indiana Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Roanoke, IN for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

4109 properties found in Roanoke, IN Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

41 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 17 46
2ND ST 23 60
3RD ST 12 26
4TH ST 17 57
5TH ST 8 27
6TH ST 8 19
7TH ST 11 26
8TH ST 13 24
100 37 88
200 18 52
220 1 8
250 4 17
300 49 167
400 50 150
400 E-92 15 33
400 W-90 14 35
440 4 11
500 44 165
500 E-92 15 58
500 W-90 5 17
531 16 64
550 11 51
600 32 70
600 E-92 23 81
600 W-90 4 8
610 12 53
628 2 5
700 28 62
700 E-92 31 120
800 20 65
800 E-92 11 46
850 14 49
900 60 198
900 S-92 15 66
950 22 85
1000 65 205
1000 S-92 25 84
1100 75 246
1150 5 21
1200 48 156
1200 N-90 16 78
Street starts with: