Carmel, Indiana Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Carmel, IN for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

41767 properties found in Carmel, IN Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

40 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST AVE 122 850
1ST CT 19 67
1ST ST 133 702
2ND AVE 84 319
2ND ST 30 118
2ND WAY 68 260
3RD AVE 136 665
3RD ST 68 314
4TH AVE 5 12
4TH CT 15 73
4TH ST 38 178
5TH ST 14 66
6TH ST 6 11
7TH ST 5 25
8TH ST 18 66
9TH ST 24 60
10TH ST 7 13
11TH ST 38 81
12 OAKS 18 104
96TH ST 85 230
97TH ST 25 109
98TH ST 66 298
99TH ST 29 106
104TH ST 20 56
106TH PL 13 46
106TH ST 187 761
107TH ST 20 76
110TH ST 30 51
111TH ST 42 110
114TH ST 16 53
116TH ST 251 1,077
122ND ST 20 97
126TH ST 118 451
131ST ST 97 283
136TH ST 109 421
141ST ST 30 80
146TH ST 134 402
151ST ST 75 2,143
156TH ST 14 31
161ST ST 19 36
Street starts with: