Buchanan, Iowa Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Buchanan, IA for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

3054 properties found in Buchanan, IA Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at Homemetry Address Directory.

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Street starts with:

38 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1ST ST 49 145
2ND ST 101 439
3RD ST 66 251
4TH ST 111 566
5TH ST 87 510
6TH ST 51 287
7TH ST 77 361
8TH ST 66 336
9TH ST 61 671
10TH ST 23 125
11TH ST 19 109
12TH ST 15 77
13TH ST 13 57
175TH ST 4 29
185TH ST 3 11
190TH ST 7 32
195TH ST 5 20
200TH ST 9 57
201ST ST 2 14
205TH ST 8 34
210TH ST 47 197
220TH ST 22 84
225TH ST 5 21
230TH ST 22 114
235TH ST 7 29
240TH ST 15 87
247TH ST 3 21
250TH ST 7 48
255TH ST 5 33
260TH ST 7 58
265TH ST 13 61
270TH ST 17 74
273RD ST 10 37
280TH ST 14 73
285TH ST 4 25
290TH ST 28 129
300TH ST 11 34
306TH ST 4 28
Street starts with: